COSTEP, or the Council for South Texas Economic Progress, is one of TxEDC’s newest investors that represents a seven-county region – Cameron, Hidalgo, Jim Hogg, Starr, Webb, Willacy and Zapata.

The economic development organization’s CEO Adam Gonzalez is on mission to put Rio South Texas on the international map. Gonzalez recently wrapped up a trip to Europe with TxEDC, the Office of Governor Greg Abbott, the Governor’s Office of Economic Development and Tourism, Texas Secretary of State Jane Nelson and regional economic development partners. The mission to Europe included stops in Germany, United Kingdom and France.

“All three markets have great potential in Texas, and I would like to see Rio South Texas be a contender for businesses in these countries that are looking to move,” said Gonzalez. “Not only did I make great connections with key stakeholders of all three countries we visited, but also had great networking opportunities with staff from the Office of the Governor and TxEDC.”

As economic opportunities continue to grow in Rio South Texas, COSTEP is focused on highlighting those things that make its region special.

“We have a young workforce ready to work; the cost of living is one of the best in the state; and our proximity to our largest trading partner, Mexico, makes a move to Rio South Texas a no brainer for companies that export,” said Gonzalez. “The region is beautiful and has so much to offer large and small businesses across our globe.”

Currently, the Rio South Texas region’s main industries include trade, transportation and utilities; natural resources and mining; education and health services; leisure and tourism; professional and business services; and manufacturing.