Governor Abbott Meets with Governor Ohmura of Aichi Prefecture in Japan

Texas Economic Development logo with red white and blue Texas letters

Texas Economic Development logo with red white and blue Texas letters

Governor Greg Abbott today met with Governor Hideaki Ohmura of Aichi Prefecture in Nagoya, Japan. The two Governors discussed the strong relationship between Japan and Texas, the current business climate, and explored opportunities for future economic growth. The meeting is part of Governor Abbott’s week-long economic development trip to Asia. A readout and photos of the meeting can be found below:

Governor Abbott and Governor Ohmura began their meeting by discussing their desire to build upon educational exchange programs between Texas and Japan. Governor Abbott expressed his gratitude that students have an opportunity to visit Japan. Governor Ohmura then talked about his visit to the Toyota’s North American headquarters in Plano, Texas and praised the hospitality he experienced in the Lone Star State. Both Governors discussed opportunities for Japan and Texas to collaborate on startups and fostering greater economic partnerships. Governor Abbott and Governor Ohmura ended their meeting by expressing their commitment to building upon the relationship between Aichi Prefecture and Texas.

Governor Hideaki Ohmura is Governor of the Aichi Prefecture in Japan. He won a third term in the Aichi gubernatorial election in 2019. Previously, he served five consecutive terms in the House of Representatives, where he was Chairman of the Standing Committee on Audit and Oversight of Administration. Governor Ohmura also served as Senior Vice Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare, Senior Vice Minister of the Cabinet Office, and Parliamentary Secretary of Economy, Trade and Industry. Early in his career, he worked for the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Ohmura received a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Tokyo.

Aichi Prefecture has a population of about 7.4 million people, making it one of Japan’s three largest metropolitan areas alongside Tokyo and Osaka. The prefectural capital is Nagoya.

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